About Us

We are grassroots organizers from various professional backgrounds. Coming from humble beginnings, we collectively lived though the struggles of poor air quality, a lack of recreational amenities, crumbling infrastructure, etc. These experiences prompted a dire need for change through a collective effort to drive effective policy. Every board member brings their own unique perspectives and experiences to contribute to and achieve the group’s objective.

Our organization’s Vision/Mission focuses on local issues that larger-scaled organizations typically overlook and
is receptive to diverse points of view. Amplifying and promoting the female voice is one of our top priorities. As well as becoming role models for aspiring, young activists to continue advocating for a better tomorrow.

ACT Today for a Better Tomorrow

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Our Focus

Civic Engagement

Educate the public on the importance of voting and the associated impacts.

Strategic Planning

Create a membership of informed citizens. Investigate the needs of the greater community


A formal process established by guided principals. Candidates whom submit a request would be vetted through


Holding elected officials accountable throughout their term in public office. An objective evaluation